There’s no doubt that how we operate hotels today is greatly enhanced by the continued transition from analogue to digital, a process that affects all hotels to a greater or lesser extent.
Whether you’re advanced on this analogue – digital journey or not will deeply affect your competitive operating capability in the future as the next step to AI emerges.
It’s essential therefore that this is the time to establish the digital dataset your AI will source for cognitive analysis on an ongoing basis.
Assuming that you max out on your data set expansion (including expansive guest info plus commercial and performance data) your AI will literally be able link in with it all cognitively and cross link connections you currently can’t even think of.
With this in mind the following GM scenario May well become a reality within the next 5 years. I’ve tried to create a simple example of the cognitive cross retrieval framework that operates 24 hours a day.
The technology that supports the scenario below is already established. Your job (and we can assist) is to assemble them to make AI alive in your business.
The early adopter concept applies here. If you waited 15 years to establish digital acuity in your business, then AI will take a similar length of time as it filters through simpler and easier iterations. When it comes to gaining full market advantage, the spoils will certainly be with those who drive traction first.
Economy of scale v pricing. Unlike digital platforms driven top down through industry by big tech, AI will become instantly available to all, depending on your digital dataset. Based on the throttling flexibility of AI access will be available quickly and effectively.
You’re on your way to work. It takes 30 mins in your Tesla. Each morning you dial into your AI Assistant (Lucy) to get a pre arrival business update. It goes something like this.
Good morning Lucy
Good morning Gordon
Lucy, could you give me a 60 second summary of business emails received overnight?
Lucy delivers this information and sends dictated responses as instructed.
Lucy, how was revenue yesterday? Did we meet our daily forecast and are we on track for monthly forecasted revenue?
Lucy instantly provides the information required.
Lucy, could you review purchases inline with our PO system and scheduled costs and let me know how we’re tracking on EBITDA?
Lucy reports that the expected £4k F&B Crockery spend had not taken place as expected but that all other expenses were generally inline with budget with micro excesses being offset with micro savings. However, Lucy also goes onto say that payroll is currently 5% over budget and this has been attributed to un-budgeted training of new staff in reception, the bar and housekeeping.
Lucy, can you see any payroll cash savings to the end of the month?
Lucy reports that the payroll % forecast can be achieved if yield and conversion flows through from the extra manning within front facing training. However, training reports have not been updated.
Thank you Lucy. Can you send the F&B manager a nudge email on that and update him on what sales are expected along with training records completion?
Yes of course Gordon. Email sent.
Lucy, are there any interviews with new staff today and could you remind me which managers are currently on annual leave?
Lucy delivers the information.
Lucy, how many online reviews have we received since our last update.
Gordon, since 6.34am yesterday we have received 22 online reviews with an average score of 4.5. This average score would have been a perfect 5 had we not received a 1 Star rating from Mr & Mrs Jones that related to their dinner last night.
Lucy, could you send an email to myself and chef with the review content and plan to meet during a gap in my calendar today, in my office.
Of course Gordon. Email sent. The meeting has been set for 2.15pm this afternoon when both your diary and chefs diary are clear.
Thank you Lucy. Could you give me an overview of todays Ops Sheet including any stand out points.
Lucy delivers key logistical and statistical information.
Thank you Lucy. Could you send the Ops Sheet to all Managers and Supervisors who are working today.
The Ops Sheet Email has been sent to all senior staff Gordon.
Thank you Lucy. Could you also review the HOD meeting agenda for the 20th and advise on anything else we may need to add.
Gordon. Looking at the agenda I believe we need a documented and measured sales campaign to build headroom in the event payroll and utility usage don’t snap back to budget.
Lucy. Can you provide a property overview for the last 24 hours.
Of course Gordon. Electricity and Gas consumption data looks in line with the monthly forecast. Water consumption however is 2% over MTD forecast with 13 days of operation remaining this month. 1% is attributed to kitchen use whilst the other 1% is attributed to bedroom guest use. There is no information relating to any guest emergencies/events overnight.
Thank you Lucy. Could you tell me what our refund status is currently MTD?
Lucy provides the information.
Finally Lucy, are there any figures in the live P&L that are trending to be different than expected?
No Gordon. Apart from payroll and utilities all metrics are generally tracking as expected. We’re actually tracking savings on kitchen cleaning chemicals, less OTA commission and an increase in kitchen GP of 1%. This combined gain currently equates to 11k dropping to the bottom line. But this may be overwhelmed by payroll if not brought under control.
Thank you Lucy. Last one. Could you text the restaurant that I’ll be onsite in 10 minutes. If they could have my usual cappuccino for me?
Of course Gordon. The order has been placed. Have a great day and please get in touch if you require any further live information.
If you have any questions regarding developing your current digital dataset or how your current dataset links to AI functionality, get in touch today.