Reduce the queues and save huge amounts of time processing arriving guests at the front desk.

The HGM auto-checkin provides a simple pre-arrival checkin which will allow you to gather a wide range of information which can be confirmed at checkin rather than asked for. 

When the guests confirmation is triggered include a link to this widget that sits on a hidden page within your website. When creating your check-in administration and reg cards for the following day simply add this print out. 

This system can replace your ‘Corry check’ in some instances to ensure guests check-in information trumps the fragmented data in your PMS. It also helps build guest profiles when each guest profile is allocated an index number with search capability within the CRM that is also provided.

You can literally have this up and running in minutes whilst your team can undertake 15 minutes training to make it go live.

Cost: £365.00 per year

Test drive the demo below.


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